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Castles, distilleries, gardens, chocolate, and some totally unique visitor experiences. Nowhere else in Scotland has the range of attractions that we have here in Perthshire.

Fortingall is the ideal base for exploring the many visitor attractions Highland Perthshire has to offer. Here is just a sample of the places you might find of interest.


Robbie Cairns, the owner of Fortingall Hotel, is passionate about Scotland and its rich and eventful history. After fielding a range of local history questions from hotel guests, Robbie was inspired to write a series of informative guides for visitors wishing to explore the area’s well-known, and some of the lesser-known, castles, gardens and other tourist attractions. Click on the links below and take a look through a door into the past.

Stay 500

dine 500

Do 500

Celebrate 500 IainStruthers copyright

Evening Entertainment 500

Local attractions 500

Activities 500

around fortingall 500

Heart 200 Logo Final all our bedrooms are